Do you feel cheated by EF, do you think they haven't given you the things you had contracted, have you hab a bad experience or simply you have seen something you haven't liked? You can post here your complaint !! ¿Te sientes estafado por EF, crees que no te han dado lo que en un principio tenías contratado, has tenido una mala experiencia o simplemente has visto algo que no te ha gustado? ¡¡Puedes dejar aquí tu queja!!
martes, 13 de septiembre de 2011
domingo, 4 de septiembre de 2011
EF es un Timo: Razones para "NO" escoger EF
Experience ef (Education First) 8 (English)
Also, the hotels were located outside of the city, so it was impossible to venture back if needed.
There were a number of occasions where we could not find our destination on the bus; for example, our driver couldn't locate the leaning tower of Pisa, which was an additional paid part of the trip.
Our tour director could not locate a few of our restaurants at times; in Amsterdam, we had to walk for 2 hours because he couldn’t locate it! He was not multi-lingual as EF guarantees, and half the time in Europe we had to eat Asian food as that is his preference. Also: the meals are small and you have to pay for drinks yourself. And once we had to pay for breakfast even though EF says that all meals are free.
Also, some of the group leaders (who were not even mine) were very domineering and acted inappropriately multiple times.
Finally, the EF website states that you only need money for snacks and souvenirs. THIS IS NOT TRUE! Your group leader ALSO requires at least 100 euros ($150) or more for tips for the tour director, etc. I was not informed of this. "
Experience ef (Education First) 5 (English)
Has anyone else seen this?
My stepdaughter was signed up for a Europe trip. She wanted my daughter (her stepsister) who to go with her on the tour. I looked at the price of $3146 and said that it was quite expensive to send them both, but I would check into it. I got on the EF website 8/10/11 and looked at the tour. Their website showed the tour with a “best price discount” of $570, and my daughter had been on a tour to DC last year so they offered a $50 repeat customer discount. The made the total price $2526. This seemed more affordable, so I called them to double check on the $50 repeat customer discount and clicked confirm while they were on the phone and they verbally confirmed that it was booked. Of course the girls were ecstatic that they could go to Europe together!
This morning I get an email from EF saying that my monthly payment had changed. I logged on to look and my payment had gone from $458/month to $572/month. I looked into it further and the $570 discount was gone and they had me paying the full $3146. I called them to resolve it, they called back and said that the discount shown before was a “computer glitch” and that they would not honor the price I had confirmed with them, or give me any concession whatsoever for their mistake. I tried to speak to a manager, but they would not let me.
I find this very hard to believe that an ethical company would do this. If it was truly a “computer glitch” I would have expected the sales lady to tell me something was wrong when I confirmed the tour while she was on the phone. Now I’m in a position where I have to severely disappoint my girls and cancel the tour, or pay EF the extra $570. I would not have signed my daughter up under the full price because it is so expensive to send them both. Now that she was planning to go, it seems quite unfair to cancel it.
Has anyone else seen the "best price" discount on any of their tours? I would like to know if this is a regular practice?"
Experience ef (Education First) 4 (English)
Experience ef (Education First) 3 (English)
This was VERY frustrating!! I will make sure and tell ALL my friends about my experience with EF Tours."
Experience ef (Education First) 2 (English)
Day 1 - Overnight Flight to London - Perhaps the only part of the trip that went smoothly
Day 2-4 - London
Day 5 - London, Canterbury and Paris
Day 6-7 - Paris
Day 8 - Paris, Board overnight train to Switzerland
Day 9 - Lucerne
Day 10 - Lucerne, Florence
Day 11 - Florence
Day 12 - Florence, Rome
Day 13-14 - Rome
Day 15 - Rome, Sorrento
Day 16 - Sorrento, Capri and Rome
Day 17 - Travel Home
The trip itself cost about $2500.00, but with "supplies" about $3000. I went during the month of June.
I had taken one other trip with a student oriented travel company to Washington D.C. and may I say they did 4000 times better than EF could dream of. Upfront EF projected a great image and made my blood run wild through me. The thought of going to Europe was extraordinary. Things began just as planned with my group departed on time and arriving a few minutes early in London, but that was the LAST time that our group of 50 people was on-time for anything. First off if you are going to Europe a group of 50 people is way to many to try and maneuver successfully.
The fact that EF stressed punctuality shocked my friends and me. When we arrived in London we began our hours of waiting when the tour guide was late to pick us up. Throughout the trip we found ourselves sitting and waiting for buses and people (Often times the tour director!). When we arrived in France by boat we waited for at least an hour for our bus to drive us to Paris. While in Paris we waited for about an hour and then found that there was no bus coming because EF didn't want to spend the money on us (They actually told us that). The bus was for an "excursion" to the palace of Versailles. We ended up going the next day for 45 minutes in stead of the 2 hours. If we weren't waiting for something we were hurrying to make up for "lost time". I have never seen such terrible conduct from a company that takes young people to experience culture. Because of our tardiness on three occasions we missed out on guided tours and exploration opportunities. Also because a bus didn't show up in Paris we missed out overnight train and had to break the law and stow away on a later train.
EF promised food that was native to the countries we visited. Unfortunately this was not the case. I don't know about you, but I don't think chicken breast and fries are what every European eats. Granted we did have a few variations of this especially in Italy, but for the most part we ate chicken and fries for dinner. Breakfasts were even worse. They were all continental breakfasts of cheap motels. And on one occasion we didn't eat breakfast because, you guessed it, we were late.
The motels that we stayed in were absolutely atrocious. It sounded like people were being murdered in the streets of Paris from our motel there, thank god we weren't on the first floor! Our motel in Florence wasn't even in Florence it was in a town that was about 45 minutes out of town. This was also the case with our Rome hotel. We did however have nice lodgings in London. Everywhere else was a different case though and the hotels after London were VERY cramped. EF was obviously saving money by putting 4 people in a motel room with two twin-sized beds. The conditions were appalling. All the rooms had their own bathrooms, although our toilet in Sorrento looked as if it were filled with Mercury.
The tour guide that went with us on the whole trip was bilingual, and almost constantly on the phone to EF trying to figure out a way to make our trip work that is while we were at motels. While we were out in the city he couldn't communicate because he didn't have a cell phone. I don't even what to know what would have happened if there had been an emergency. Also in 17 days we never once did laundry. We kept asking our tour guide to tell us where we could wash our clothes, but alas we never did laundry.
The EF credit/phone card was useless. It never worked to make phone calls and to get the remaining balance was next to impossible with the instructions they gave you.
EF gave us coupons to use at special stores, but the stores had OUTRAGEOUS prices.
They were always sure to remind us of the danger of pickpockets.
The tour guides that they hired actually were very informative and did a wonderful job telling us about the city and the sites.
They gave us time almost everywhere to go out on our own…In a group of 3 or 4.
Regardless of whether you go with EF or not here is what I learned going to Europe...
1. Have your trip completely planned. This is only for those who do not go with tour groups, but when in Europe phones are sometimes VERY difficult to use and also very difficult when you do not speak the native tongue.
2. Bring a debit/credit card! NOT cash and NOT Travelers checks! There are ATM's EVERYWHERE. The only place my group had a little difficulty finding one was in Rome, but it was near by and we found it with some help from the locals. With Credit cards be careful because I was charged $5 per cash advance which for me amounted to $40 in extra spending.
3. Get a pouch that goes around your neck and under your shirt. Pick pockets are everywhere and this lets you keep your valuables (i.e. Passport, Credit/Debit card) I found it VERY helpful.
4. If you want to call home a good phone card is invaluable. I used an MCI phone card which worked everywhere except for the Italian payphones, which don't work unless you buy a card for them in Italy, but if you find an older payphone MCI worked great. I have also heard that you can rent cellphones for European uses, but I do not know the cost or what it entails. But always remember you aren't going to have time or want to call home all that much.
In spite of all the bad things about EF I got to go to a different continent and because they gave you time on your own to go look through the city and experience the culture. I would NEVER go with this travel company, but if I had the choice to go with them or not at all. I would definitely go with EF again. The rewards of going to Europe, even if the conditions are poor, outweigh everything. So go, but if you can avoid EF do so. I am still waiting for refunds on the things we missed. I went 8 months ago… "
Experience ef (Education First) 1 (English)
Don't get me wrong; I do not regret going. It really was the trip of a life time and I am very fortunate for being able to go. But I do belive that my money could have better been spent with another company. EF does it the most and they do it the cheapest, but if you're going to drop $2500 on a european vacation, why not drop $3000 or even $3500 and really do it right? I feel that if I am prepared to spend that much on a trip, then I should be able to spend a little more and have a much better time.
The tour began when UNITED cancelled our flight from San Fransico to
Then when we arrived in
We ended up only having twenty four hours in
We stayed at a hotel in
Then we went to go get on the train to
Then we got on the train, and they did not have enough space for our luggage. Also, we were spread across six cars. Two people actually ast with stangers for three hours.
Experiencia 14
"Habia leido muchos mensajes hablando mal de la compañia e.f. y desgraciadamente no les hice caso; y ahora el que tengo que escribir soy yo; y lo hago para intentar que no hayan mas familias que envien a sus hijos a pasar unos dias a inglaterra a aprender ingles que en realidad lo que van a perfeccionar es el castellano.
El precio carisimo; la organizacion pesima; unos monitores que pasan de todo y el comentario habitual es de que con lo poco que les pagan estan haciendo demasiado; las excursiones solo quedan bien en el anuncio; ya que no visitan nada; el curso internacional consiste en estar españoles con españoles (para esto nos quedamos en casa); niños y niñas de 13 a 16-17 años sin ningun control; haces lo que quieren, duermen con quien quieren etc etc etc; y a la hora de viajar, si el billete es mas barato a las 4 de la madrugada, no dudeis que viajareis a esta hora. En fin, un engaño. Te lo venden de color de rosa y no se corresponde nada con la realidad.
En la foto de una residencia, una sala llena de ordenadores; quando llegas alli no hay ninguno; solo los colocaron para la foto. En fin un desastre que me gustaria que este escrito sirva para que otra gente como yo no caiga en esta trampa"
Experiencia 13
Fuimos de nuevo a las oficinas pero la chica ya no estaba tan simpática. Nos dijo que nos lo había explicado muy bien y que nosotras no habíamos entendido. Ante esta actitud, mi sobrina y yo decidimos que era mejor no ir por la poca seriedad de esta empresa. La chica nos dijo que no nos devolverían el dinero pues habíamos firmado contrato. Pedi hoja de reclamaciones y fuimos a las oficinas del Consumidor en la plaza A. El Magnánimo. Acaba de llegar el veredicto donde dicen que EF no está afiliada al "arbitraje de consumo" por lo que no podemos hacer nada sino recurrir a otras instancias.
Escribo esto porque no estoy dispuesta a aceptar este robo. No se incurrió en ningún gasto y no es justo que por su mala gestión se queden con mi dinero o traten mal a los estudiantes en Inglaterra.
Estoy escribiendo a personas que les haya sucedido algo malo con ellos, ya se con el pago o con las malas condiciones que encontraron en sus casas, escuela, etc. para que nos pongamos de acuerdo e introduzcamos alguna demanda o recurrir a alguna organización de consumidores que nos escuche. He leído muchas quejas en otros foros.
Por favor, respónder a este llamado, mi email:
Un saludo, Maru Carpi"
Y eso por no hablar de la organización de EF y de las personas con las que tienes que contactar, caso de que tengas algún problema. La ineficacia y la desinformación es absoluta.
En cuanto al tipo de curso, yo escogí el internacional, para que estuviera el mayor tiempo posible con chicos de otras nacionalidades y hablara más inglés. La realidad es que el número de españoles es muy superior y en muchos casos, aunque te hayan cobrado el suplemento, no están con chicos extranjeros, por lo que se sigue hablando español. Mi hija ha tenido suerte y al menos ha aprendido algo de ruso.
El próximo año buscaré otra opción y no volveré ni recomiento EF."
Hemos presentado una reclamación en Ef Madrid, pero no nos han dado respuesta, incluso nos llegaron a decir que los chicos exageran. Yo no lo creo y siento no haberme informado en foros como éste antes de contratar el curso ya que de saber las experiencias de otras personas no lo hubiesemos contratado. "
Experiencia 12
Como he dicho en otro post, siento la oligación moral de daros un consejo:
Si lo podéis evitar, no viajéis a ningún sitio con la agencia de viajes EF Educación. Es lo peor que he visto en mi vida. La organización es caótica; la incompetencia, abrumadora. Después de pasar varias semanas contrastando opiniones con otros estudiantes, os puedo asegurar que prácticamente todas y cada una de las personas que han viajado con ellos han quedado completamente insatisfechas.
Yo estuve con ellos en Gran Bretaña el mes pasado. A los pocos días me di cuenta de que había desperdiciado más de 2000€ y quise salvar la situación quejándome a los encargados. ¿Sabéis cómo respondieron? Mandando una carta de aviso a la fundación que pagaba mi estancia allí. Ante tanta injusticia, no pude (ni quise) agachar la cabeza, como muchos otros hicieron, y salí a la calle a recoger firmas de otros estudiantes de EF. Lo que los estudiantes firmaron fue lo siguiente:
"By signing this report, I agree to all or most of the following statements:
1. I am an EF student or member of the staff staying in Oxford.
2. I am totally disappointed with EF because:
a. The organisation is dreadful.
i. I am sometimes notified of the time the next activity starts just a few hours before.
ii. Activities have been cancelled several times at very short notice.
iii. I know or I have heard of students missing for longer than five hours.
iv. The information that has been given to me on, for exemple,
1. activities to be paid,
2. the price of the bus pass,
3. the way to go to school,
4. the way to make a complaint,
5. etc.
has usually been insufficient.
v. I have been told that I am not allowed to go home between 9 am and 5 pm, which means I have to be 5 hours on the street, even when no activities are arranged, given that I am not allowed to stay at the stadium where school takes place.
vi. I know or I have heard of students not being allowed to change the level they have been assigned for school.
b. The activities are boring.
i. They are usually arranged spontaneously.
ii. They mainly consist in wondering around doing nothing.
iii. EF staff have not worked hard enough to keep us together as a group.
c. EF makes me pay for almost every single thing I want to do.
i. It feels like the money I paid before leaving home has vanished.
d. I am aware of the fact that EF hardly checks out host families.
i. I know or have heard of students being stolen large sums of money by their host families, students not being fed and students sleeping on their own at their host family’s.
ii. I have the feeling that it takes EF too long to move students from one house to another when they are in trouble.
e. At some point, a member of the staff has been rude to me or a friend of mine for no reason.
f. The staff are often careless and useless when it comes to my problems.
g. All in all, I have had such a bad experience that I will never travel with EF again, nor will I recommend it to a friend."
En menos de media hora 25 estudiantes de distintas partes del mundo firmaron el escrito. Después, el director de EF en la ciudad me obligó a parar. Me llevaron a la escuela (si se le puede llamar escuela, porque en realidad era un estadio de fútbol) y me notificaron que estaba fuera del curso y que mi avión salía al día siguiente.
Es por eso que yo, como ya otros han hecho antes, voy a poner este caso en manos de la justicia.
Si alguien está interesado en leer la denuncia que he redactado, estaré encantado de mandársela por email.
Un saludo y mucha suerte."
Experiencia 11
Experiencia 10
Experiencia 9
No aportan informacion de las familias
El telefono de contacto de la coordinadora nos lo dieron 2 dias antes, y despues de infinitas llamadas.
La unica informacion es el telefono de la familia destino, ni perfil, ni miembros,
El dia del viaje, siendo MENORES, les llevan a Barcelona por la tarde y les dicen " mañana a las 09:00 en recepcion"
Al día siguiente, NADIE con ellos en el aeropuerto
10 min antes de facturar llega uno de la organizacion
El responsable de no coge el telefono ante tal ABANDONO de los menores
La coordinadora no coge el telefono ni contesta los correos.
Y esto es solo antes de irse. Seguire informando del caos de organizacion pero desde luego NO ES RECOMENDABLE . La OCU deberia estar informada de estos personajes. Y asi lo haré"
Experiencia 8
"Hola,yo fuí con EF el veranos pasado a londres y aparte de tener problemas desde el principio, (facturas con fechas mal puestas, la casa tb m la mandaron cn otra fecha y precios dispares..) luego alli todo fué un caos, la habitacion, me gustaria
q la vierais, entraba la cama solo, y yo no podia estar de pie alli solo en el lado de la puerta, luego la mujer de la casa no nos dio comida, no tenia comida en su casa y la primera semana nos dio 30 libras, q alli te da para comer una semana no mas, y ella pretendia que comieramos las 3 semanas dos personas con 30 libras, luego no nos dio mas dinero ni comida y nos las tuvimos q arreglar x nuestra cuenta.
La escuela muy mal organizada tb, la ultima semana solo tuvimos clase dos dias de los cuales el profesor decia q todo estaba bien, daba iwal en q idioma le contestaras, como si le decias misa, estaba ausente, y el resto de los dias ni se presentó.También nos cambiaban los horarios cada semana y no nos solucionaron lo de aquel profesor..y hasta para dar los diplomas hubo problemas:S
Y luego en la agencia son unos bordes y al explicarles las cosas te dicen que si kieres vivir en el palacio de buckingham, o q como en tu casa no vas a estar..hombre yo me supongo q como en mi casa no voy a estar pero vamos, que no es mucho pedir UNA HABITACION NORMAL no?
Experiencia 7
El resultado del viaje ha sido el siguiente:
- Instalaron a mi hija, menor, en un alojamiento que distaba 1:30 minutos en transporte público del lugar donde impartían las clases en Oxford, sin que nadie se preocupara de informarle, al menos la primera vez, de la manera de llegar a su alojamiento, o a las clases, teniéndome que ocupar yo mismo de informarle, desde España, de las líneas metropolitanas que podía utilizar con el abono de transporte que le facilitaron (no servía para todas las líneas), y que tuvo que abonar de su bolsillo. Nadie le acompañó para indicarle los transbordos que tenía que realizar, ni cómo debía llegar a la casa donde estaba alojada.
- En los primeros días de su estancia, mi hija se encontró indispuesta, con fiebre y dolores de garganta y nadie se preocupó de llevarla a una consulta médica, ni a comprar los medicamentos, se negaban o se pasaban la pelota unos a otros, y tras varias reclamaciones, la persona que le acompañó le echó en cara que no tenía por qué estar perdiendo el tiempo en una consulta con mi hija y tampoco le acompañó, en un país extranjero, a comprar las medicinas, después de obligarme a enviar un escrito con mi autorización para comprarlas con prescripción médica.
- Cada día el desplazamiento en trasporte público le suponía más de 5 ó 6 horas, si quería cenar con la familia anfitriona, ya que estaban incluidos todos los gastos, también pensión completa y el trayecto era el siguiente: Alojamiento-Clases-Alojamiento-Actividades-Alojamiento.
-Los horarios de la cena de la familia anfitriona coincidían con las actividades programadas por EF, por lo que muchos días, tampoco podía cenar, con lo que de pensión completa nada de nada, la mayoría de los días tuvo que comer algo fuera.
- Aunque en mi solicitud había contratado todo tipo de actividades extraescolares, Explorer Pack, Fun Pack, Opciones deportivas, para que mi hija no tuviera que pagar nada, tuvo que abonar de su bolsillo todas ellas, y algunas no pudo realizarlas, porque aunque estaban contratadas desde un principio, le obligaban a abonarlas si quería participar y no llevaba dinero efectivo suficiente para lo que supuestamente ya llevaba contratado.
-En la familia que estuvo alojada tuvo que soportar, robos de dinero, juergas (con alcohol y drogas) hasta altas horas de la madrugada, tanto ella como sus compañeras. Tan es así que una de las compañeras, danesa, dejó la casa sin avisar a nadie. La otra compañera, rusa, sufrió el robo del dinero y la dueña de la casa decidió ponerles un candado en la habitación.
-Durante la primera semana sobre todo, ha sido un calvario para mi hija, menor, sola, enferma, en un país extranjero, en una familia que no veía y con esas condiciones, y con horas de desplazamiento, en un lugar totalmente desconocido, sin ningún tipo de atención. El drama que hemos vivido en casa, en los primeros días, es indescriptible y nos hemos visto impotentes ante esta situación, con la idea de coger un avión y terminar de una vez.
-Después de numerosas reclamaciones por teléfono y por correo, y mi hija con los monitores, para que la cambiaran de alojamiento, por el pago de las actividades, por la atención médica, por las distancias, nos quitaron del medio con: “Presente una reclamación” ó “No se queje si al menos le dan de comer” ó “Según Google el desplazamiento es de 57 minutos”.
- He solicitado una investigación exhaustiva, de la forma de proceder de esta empresa, por parte de la Comunidad de Madrid, ya que son miles los niños y jóvenes, madrileños y españoles, que cada año, sus padres confían el cuidado durante varias semanas a estas personas, y que tal vez no reclamen porque, gracias a Dios, como es el caso de mi hija, han llegado sanos y salvos.
- He solicitado que la Comunidad de Madrid informe a los centros escolares y las asociaciones de padres de la forma de actuar de esta empresa, para que si deciden contratar con ellos, vayan avisados de lo que está ocurriendo y puedan decidir."
Experiencia 6
La alojaron en casa de unos señores hindus con un mal nivel de ingles, y vegetarianos.
Sin ducha, ni puerta en la habitación, sin armario etc. La monitora no les cogia el teléfono y todo esto reclamando constantmente a ef y ni caso.
No se lo recomiendo a nadie, la cantidad de dinero que mi hija se gastó fue de 300E porque alli nada estaba incluido. La familia anfitriona no les prsó ninguna atención t la monitora en ningun momento les solucionó lo problemas con los que acudian, yo hablé en diferentes ocasiones con barcelona,buenas palabra pero luego no nos solucionaban nunca nada. Para una niña de 15 años es una experiencia que les puede marcar "